Denver North High School - Class of 1984 - 40-Year Reunion - Go Vikings!

Stonewashed Jeans; Footloose; Michael Jackson's Thriller; Rubik's Cubes; Boom Boxes; Break Dancing; Cabbage Patch Kids; Hacky-Sacks & Trivial Pursuit...WOW - has it really been ~40 years since graduation? The 80's sure bring back some great memories!

We created this website to help our fellow Viking alumni re-connect with friends and to also share information regarding our reunions (past and upcoming). Many of the features of this website have been moved to Facebook because it's simply easier to manage and for us to disseminate timely information to everyone. We sincerely hope everyone is in good health and happy with life in general.

Mark Your Calendars

The 40-year Reunion get-together has been arranged by Janet Valdez and Laurie Emerson DiAndrea.

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Time: 6:30pm to Close
Location: Zone Sports Bar & Grill in Golden - 15600 W 44th Ave (map)
Cost: FREE (order food and drinks as you desire - see menu)

Please reach out if you have any questions. Feel free to bring friends from other years. Please join us if you went to North with us but didn't necessarily graduate with us in 1984. Contact Janet or Laurie with questions. Hope to see you there!

July 2014 | 30-Year Reunion Class Photo | Willis Case Golf Course | Denver CO


Denver North High School Vikings - Class of 1984

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© 1984-2024 Copyright - All Rights Reserved.
Denver North High School Vikings - Class of 1984
Website Donated by '84 Alumni Anthony "Mike" Rael